Omnigraffle sequence diagram template
Omnigraffle sequence diagram template

omnigraffle sequence diagram template

omnigraffle sequence diagram template


The source code for the class diagram shown on the right is as follows: There are other text formats for UML modelling but PlantUML supports many diagram types and does not need an explicit layouting, though it is possible to tweak the diagrams if necessary. PlantUML uses well-formed and human-readable code to render the diagrams. Text format to communicate UML at source code level Xcode has a community maintained Source Editor Extension to generate and view PlantUML class diagrams from Swift source code.Vnote open source notetaking markdown application has built in PlantUML support.Visual Studio Code has various PlantUML extensions on its marketplace, most popular being PlantUML by jebbs.Org-mode has a PlantUML org-babel support.There is an additional Visual Studio Tools for Office add-in called PlantUML Gizmo that works in a similar fashion. Microsoft Word can use PlantUML diagrams via a Word Template Add-in.MediaWiki has a PlantUML plug-in which renders diagrams in pages as SVG or PNG.LibreOffice has Libo_PlantUML extension to use PlantUML diagrams.LaTeX using the Tikz package has limited support for PlantUML.IntelliJ IDEA can create and display diagrams embedded into Markdown (built-in) or in standalone files (using a plugin).Google Docs has an add-on called PlantUML Gizmo that works with the server.Doxygen integrates diagrams for which sources are provided after the \startuml command.There is an additional PlantUML plug-in for Confluence Cloud.

omnigraffle sequence diagram template

Confluence wiki has a PlantUML plug-in for Confluence Server, which renders diagrams on-the-fly during a page reload.Atom has a community maintained PlantUML syntax highlighter and viewer.There are various extensions or add-ons that incorporate PlantUML. 2 Text format to communicate UML at source code level.

Omnigraffle sequence diagram template