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However, the user is still unable to login because the change password feature still cannot be used due to email problems._, (2008), “Secure Hash Standard”, National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST FIPS PUB, 180-3, U.S. For users whose article status has been accepted and entered the copyediting stage, the article status has been registered. Estimated processing time is 2-6 weeks until there is an announcement that the application is stable and can be used.Ĭurrently email settings are still problematic due to the latest Gmail policies. If the author is willing to wait, please resubmit to a journal version that is more stable than the current one and we will return it to the last status of the article. At this time, we are unable to process author articles. So, we are still trying to manually restore the lost data. The last database backup was performed on January 31, 2021, so the rest data was lost due to an anomaly on the server that the server service provider could not handle. On Tuesday at 05:23 there is an anomaly of the server provider that we use ( CloudKilat) because it deletes data and cannot restore it. Hasanul Fahmi, “Analisis Qos (Quality of Service) Pengukuran Delay, Jitter, Packet Lost Dan Throughput Untuk Mendapatkan Kuali-tas Kerja Radio Streaming Yang Baik,” J. Vithana, “Smart Shopping Cart Sys-tem,” Cent. Maulana, “Analisis Kinerja Pengiriman Data Modul Transceiver NRF24l01, Xbee dan Wifi ESP8266 Pada Wireless Sensor Network,” J. Yuliansyah, “Uji Kinerja Pengiriman Data Secara Wireless Menggunakan Modul ESP8266 Berbasis Rest Architecture,” J. Gurumurthy, “Design Of An Intelligent Shopping Basket Using IOT,” vol. Arif, “Sejarah wifi dan perkembangan wifi,” pp. Cahyono, “Internet Of Things (Sejarah,Teknologi Dan Penerapannya),” Forum Teknol., vol. Misalkar, “Review of Internet of Things in Development of Smart Cities with Data Management & Privacy,” Int. Rohankar, “A Review on Automated Billing for Smart Shopping System Using IOT,” Rev. Bapat, “Smart Shopping Cart for Automated Billing Purpose using Wireless Sensor Networks,” vol. Madya, “Desain Produk Banley ( Barcode Scanner Trolley ) Terhadap Fleksibilitas Layanan Pem-belian Produk,” 2016, pp. Kom, “Analisis Antrian Pada Alfamart Di Jalan Jawa Pematangsiantar,” vol. Kamal, “Banley ( Barcode Scanner Trolley ): Keranjang Pintar Pembantu Layanan Pada Kasir,” vol.

Hasugian, “Perancangan Website Sebagai Media Promosi Dan Informasi,” J.

Meutia, “Internet of Things – Keamanan dan Privasi,” Semin. Val-ue of throughput, packet loss, latency, and jitter obtained is 2229 bit/s, 0% packets, 25,284 seconds, 0,050 ms with category of zero throughput index (bad) and index four for packet loss, latency, and jitter. The measurement method used is Quality of Service by using the assistance of the Wireshark application. The internet of things device or component as an internet module is NodeMCU V2 AMINCA. So, to be able to overcome this problem is to use internet of things which aims to facilitate the client in the process of purchasing a prod-uct. This results in the length of the waiting time increasing according to the length of the queue. The public regretted the long queue process when making payment transaction at the cashier. However, people always complain when doing the buying process at supermarkets. The queue is due to the length of time a chasier scans the price of each producs in the shop-ping cart.

Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Karawang, IndonesiaĪrduino Uno, Internet of Things, NodeMCU, Quality of Service, Wi-Fi AbstractĬurrently, there are many buyers who use the offline selling concept, so we often see long queues at su-permarkets.